A note from Meaghan Atkinson, President
I am delighted to announce the appointment of Catherine Thurston as the new Chief Executive Officer of SPOP effective July 1, 2024. Catherine succeeds Nancy Harvey, who recently retired after 34 years as the chief executive of SPOP. Please join me in congratulating Nancy on her retirement and in welcoming Catherine in her new role.
Catherine brings to SPOP over 35 years’ experience working with older adults, including eight years as Chief Program Officer of SPOP. She has shown herself to be a creative thinker, a forceful advocate, and an effective leader. Most important, she believes fully in SPOP’s mission and in the value of community-based mental healthcare for older adults.

A note from Catherine Thurston, LCSW
As I step into the role of CEO of SPOP, I want to thank all of my mentors, particularly Nancy Harvey, with whom I have worked closely since 2016. I am honored to lead an agency that means so much to me and that has touched the lives of thousands of older New Yorkers.
In the coming months I plan to reach out to other community-based organizations to explore ways that we can advocate on behalf of older New Yorkers and provide the services and support that enable them to live independently. SPOP has a proud history of building bridges that expand our impact, and one of my highest priorities is to forge new alliances as we seek to increase access to mental healthcare for older New Yorkers.
As the only agency in New York City that is exclusively dedicated to community-based mental healthcare for older adults, SPOP plays a vital role in keeping our older neighbors, friends, and family members healthy and independent. Thank you for the opportunity to lead SPOP in this important work.